The Rationale For Excluding Bank and Financial Stocks From Our Stable Earnings™ Portfolios

Stable Earnings™ portfolios give investors and their advisors the freedom to tactically “tilt” around their core equity allocation to add economic cycle exposure when appropriate.
Yield Curve Inversion Signaling Recession, Is it Really Different This Time?

See the latest charts out of the Pacific Point Research Lab as we explore two different sides of the recession debate as it pertains to the largest 10/2 Treasury yield inversion in the last 40 years.
Equity Investors Aren’t the Only Ones Fighting the Fed

See the latest charts out of the Pacific Point Research Lab as we explore implications for equity valuations as negative operating leverage begins draining U.S. corporate profit margins.
The State of the U.S. Consumer

See the latest in economic charting out of the Pacific Point Research Lab as we look to personal savings rates and outstanding credit balances to gauge what lies ahead for consumer spending, leading economic indicators and the S&P 500.
When is the Fed Likely to Stop Raising Rates – Part 2?

See the latest in economic charting out of the Pacific Point Research Lab as we continue building a case for when the Fed is likely to stop raising rates.
Stable Earnings™ Can Create Long Term Value

Would you sleep better at night if your core equity allocation was insulated from even the most challenging of economic cycles?
Managing Downside Risk With Stable Earnings™ Portfolios

Do you find managing downside risk to be expensive and difficult to do? See the Pacific Point solution!
Will the U.S. Fall into Recession in 2023?

Pacific Point shares the analytical framework they use to answer the question, Will the U.S. Fall into Recession in 2023?
When is the Fed Likely to Stop Raising Rates?

See the latest in economic charting out of the Pacific Point Research Lab as we build a case for when the Fed is likely to stop raising rates.
Is a Recession Priced into the S&P 500?

Think a recession is currently priced into the S&P 500? See the Pacific Point Research Lab in action as we cut through the speculation by sharing the analytical framework we use to determine warranted valuations for the broader S&P 500.