Mr. Nyland has over 30 years of investment management experience working with institutional and high-net-worth investment managers. Mr. Nyland has extensive knowledge and expertise in the areas of investment management, portfolio construction, market strategy, corporate finance, equity research and security analysis. Before joining Pacific Point, he was Managing Director of Zacks Professional Services where he was responsible for the day-to-day operations of all institutional and advisor products and services, including managing the design and development of the Zacks Research System and Zacks Advisor Tools. Mr. Nyland also published regular equity strategy pieces and hosted weekly equity and market strategy webinars. Throughout his career, Mr. Nyland has consulted with thousands of investment professionals on a wide variety of topics ranging from asset allocation and equity valuation to fundamental and economic analysis.
Prior to Zacks, Mr. Nyland served as Vice President, Global Head of Portfolio Management at Thomson Reuters where he ran Reuters’ $500 million portfolio management division. Before Thomson Reuters, Mr. Nyland, along with Mike Licosati and the founder of StockVal, pioneered and developed the concepts of the Stable Earnings Portfolios, including the methodology and metrics used to analyze equity market valuations. He is an honors graduate of the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University with a B.S. in Finance, Magna Cum Laude. He also holds the professional designation of Chartered Financial Analyst.