Recession Risks Part 2 – It’s all About the Corporate Margin Cycle

Picking up where we left off in our last webinar, we expand the macroeconomic analysis with new data points and include PPI, commodity price changes and illustrate the combined effects on corporate profit margins. How does all this impact the corporate margin cycle? We provide the analysis for the broader S&P 500 as well as the Energy, Health Care, Information Technology, Utilities and Materials sectors.

This week, Pacific Point’s Director of Research Tim Nyland, CFA:

• Picks up where he left off in his last webinar providing updated charts with fresh new data points while expanding the macroeconomic analysis to include PPI and commodity price changes.

• See the deep historical charts the analysts and portfolio managers at Pacific Point Advisors, LLC. use to evaluate the macroeconomic issues impacting U.S. corporations as they face a hawkish Federal Reserve during a time of peak U.S. corporate profit margins.

• Dive deeper into margin analysis for the broader S&P 500 as well as the Energy, Health Care, Information Technology, Utilities and Materials sectors. You will be amazed at what you see, and you will not want to miss this webinar!


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