The Lost Decade in Stocks

See the latest charts out of the Pacific Point Research Lab as we explore the dynamics responsible for The Lost Decade in Stocks.

This week, Pacific Point’s Director of Research Tim Nyland, CFA:

  • Introduces part 1 of a 3-part series on the Lost Decade in Stocks.
  • Illustrates the S&P 500 characteristics and macroeconomic backdrop which defined the period from 2000 to 2012 known as the Lost Decade in Stocks.
  • Explores the relationship between S&P 500 price return, S&P 500 earnings growth, S&P 500 P/E multiples, 10-year Treasury yields, Equity Risk Premium, and the Total Equity Discount Rate to uncover the dynamics responsible for driving the 12-year period known as The Lost Decade in Stocks.
  • Be sure to watch the entire webinar, we think you will be shocked at what we have produced for you in the Pacific Point Research Lab!


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